Before you apply for the mvv, you must first take the civic integration examination abroad. This examination tests the Dutch language and society. You must take the exam, if you wish to live with your partner or spouse in the Netherlands.

You do not have to take the exam in one of the following situations:
• You are under 18 or you have reached your AOW pension age.
• You have a valid residence permit and you want to change the purpose of stay.
• You have lived in the Netherlands for at least 8 years during the compulsory school age.
• You have the nationality of an EU/EEA country, Australia, Canada, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, South Korea, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America, Vatican City.
• You do not have the nationality of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland and you apply for verification against EU Law.
• You have the status of a long-term resident EC in another EU country.
• You have the Turkish nationality or you are a family member of a Turkish national that has lawful stay in the Netherlands. This applies to the following family members:
o The married/registered partner.
o The dependent children and (great) grandchildren of the Turkish foreign national and his married/registered partner who are younger than 21.
o The dependent parents and (great) grandparents of the Turkish foreign national and his married/registered partner.

• You intend to apply for a residence permit for a temporary purpose of stay.
• You intend to apply for residence with a family member who has a residence permit for a temporary purpose of stay.
• You intend to apply for residence with a family member who has a temporary or permanent asylum residence permit.
• You have the Surinamese nationality and have at least finished primary school in the Dutch language in Surinam or the Netherlands.
• You are going to work exclusively as a contemplative, internal officer or member of the board of a religious or ideological organisation.
• You have one of the following diplomas, certificates or documents:
o A civic integration diploma issued under the Civic Integration Act.
o A diploma State Exam Dutch as a second language (NT2), level I or II.
o A Dutch diploma or certificate of a university, professional or vocational education (hbo, mbo level 2 or higher) or secondary education (vwo/havo/mavo/vmbo). The education was provided in Dutch.
o A diploma, certificate or document as set out above, obtained in a Dutch-speaking education system attended in Belgium or Surinam. You passed the subject of Dutch language.
o A diploma, certificate or other document, obtained in a Dutch-speaking education system attended in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The diploma was obtained at a course designated by the Dutch Minister of OCW (Education, Culture and Science). You passed the subject of Dutch language.
o A diploma of the European Baccalaureate awarded by the European School. The diploma (baccalaureate) consists of the subject of Dutch as a first or second language and you must have passed this subject.
o An International Baccalaureate Middle Years Certificate, an International General Certificate of Secondary Education or an International Baccalaureate. As part of the education you attended an English-Dutch language course or a course International Baccalaureate including the subject of Dutch with you passed.

Would you like to speak to an expert regarding your Dutch Basic Civic Integration Examination Abroad, please, contact us!